• 2000, Elizabeth opened Akin’s International Foods at Ellice and Furby in a seven hundred (700) square feet space with fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars.
  • 2002, Akin’s Employment Agency started operating on the second floor of the Food Store  building, until 2005, when Elizabeth decided to fully concentrate on the Food Store. “When the Food Store was in the early stages of growth, I had many challenges to persevere through.”
  • 2003 saw Elizabeth start full-time with the Regional Health Authority as a Healthcare Aid, working nights (midnight to 8am), while operating the Food Store during the day and raising three children. This continued for ten (10) years.
  • 2004 saw Elizabeth add a diploma in Business Administration from Red River Community College.
  • 2006 saw Akin’s International move to 570A Sargent Avenue, with Elizabeth purchasing the complete three (3) unit building, which added commercial property to her portfolio.
  • 2008, Assiniboine Credit Union came into the picture to help with growing the Food Store to the next level.
  • 2013, Elizabeth added residential property to her portfolio, and reopened Akin’s Employment Agency at 819 Sargent Avenue.
  • 2015 saw Akin’s International Foods move to its’ seven thousand (7000)
    square foot permanent location of 550 Sargent Avenue. This brought the value of
    her business’ to over a million ($1,000,000) dollars.
  • 2018, Elizabeth’s business life was the opening of her West African Restaurant.
  • 2021, Elizabeth added a diploma for Property Management from Ashworth
    College, through their online program, to her resume. “The purpose of this is to tell other banks that life is more than a number. I appreciate the faith that Assiniboine Credit Union had with me! Encouraging me, treating me like a part of a family. Assiniboine Credit Union is more than just a bank. Their community rep, Jeffery, talked to me one-on-one, visiting the store to offer suggestions for the business to be even more successful.
  • 2023 Elizabeth opened Akin’s Business Centre Located at 819 Sargent ave Mentor Inspired Business Gym and Coworking facility
  • 2024, saw Elizabeth take on a new project with the purchase of 801 Sargent ave – Currently in Development is the Akin’s Next Level Event Centre.
  • Thankyou Assiniboine Credit Union for everything but especially for being there!”